All of our digital information and services are created or made available with the greatest care and attention. However, FBB does not assume any warranty for its completeness, freedom of faults and accuracy or the suitability of this information for certain intended uses. In particular no liability is assumed for the accuracy of published flight plans, departure or arrival times as well as availabilities of certain services.
The use of the contents made available on the digital information offers is carried out at the sole risk of the user. In particular, FBB shall not be liable for damages, which result from the installation or the use of downloaded files from the download area, insofar this is not a result of wilful intent or gross negligence of FBB. The liability for damages, which may be suffered by the user when using our website owing to simple negligence of FBB as well as for missed profit is excluded. The limitations to liability shall not apply to claims in case of wilful intent, gross negligence, with the injury to life, the body, health or insofar as the German Product Liability Act is applied.